紹介者:ウォン・メイイン(アーティスト)/Wong Meiyin (Artist)
料理名:魚香茄子(香港)/Spicy eggplant with pork (HK)
Wong Meeiyin is an artist who lives and works in Hong Kong. She conducted her residency program at Tenjinyama two years ago, working especially on endearing illustrations. The piece she gifted for us has always been cherished at our office. Despite her enthusiasms, her plan to study at Japanese school in Sapporo has been on hold due to the novel coronavirus infections. It sounds true that life is full of ups and downs. This is the recipe from Wong, with every bite bound to be successful and tasty.
ナス-400g / 400g eggplants
豚ミンチ-100g / 100g minced pork
ペースト状の魚塩漬け-50g / 50g minced salted fish in oil
ニンニクペースト-大さじ1 / 1 tbsp minced garlic
ショウガペースト-大さじ1 / 1 tbsp minced ginger
長ネギを切ったもの-30g / 30g chopped scallion
コーンスターチ大さじ1と砂糖大さじ2を混ぜ合わせたもの /
3 tbsp cornstarch mixture (1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with 2 tbsp sugar)
醤油-大さじ2 / 2 tbsp soy sauce
水-1/4カップ / ¼ cup water
豆板醤-大さじ2 / 2 tbsp chili bean sauce
黒酢-大さじ2 / 2 tbsp black vinegar
砂糖-大さじ1と½ / 1½ tbsp sugar
紹興酒-大さじ1 / 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
1.ナスを8センチの棒状に切り出す。 / Cut eggplants into 8cm sticks
2.中華鍋にたっぷり油を注いで熱し、ナスを軽く焼き目がつくまで2~3分間揚げる。揚がったナスはあとで使うので、一旦火から外してよけておく。 /
Heat enough oil in the wok, deep fry eggplants for around 2-3 mins, until slightly brown. Set aside for use.
3.中華鍋に油を足し、ニンニクペーストとショウガペースト、そして塩漬けの魚を投入する。香ばしくなるまで炒める。 /
Add some oil in the wok. Add the minced garlic, ginger and salted fish. Stir fry until fragrant.
4.豚ミンチを投入し、火が通るまで炒める。 / Add the minced meat, stir fry until cooked.
5.ソースと先ほど揚げたナスをありったけ投入する。よく混ぜて、少量の水を入れ1~2分間蒸し焼きにする。 /
Add all the sauce and fried eggplants, mix well and let it braise for 1-2mins.
6.コーンスターチと砂糖の混合物を加えてソースにとろみをつける。切った長ネギを投入する。 /
Add the cornstarch mixture to thicken the sauce and chopped scallion.
7.中華鍋の中身をよく混ぜたら、白飯と一緒に召し上がれ! / Mix well and serve with rice! : P
★天神山ワールドレシピとは / Tenjinyama World Recipes
For all those who have been engaging in home cooking, whether or not willingly or enthusiastically-
here’s your virtual recipe collection presented by Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio,
with some of the most beautiful recipes from artists all around the globe.
Let’s dive into the collection to invite the exciting world of multicultural dishes onto your dining table!