紹介者:石島耕平(元天神山スタッフ)/Kohei Ishijama (former Tenjin staff)
料理名:ヤムウンセン(タイ)/ Yum Woon Sen (Thai Glass Noodle Salad)
Kouhei Ishijima is a former staff member at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio. After graduating from college, he had worked for a senior high school in Sapporo and then moved to Thailand to teach at a Japanese School. Concluding his teaching career in Thailand after two years, now he is back in the country. His savings have been protected under the finest security, as Kohei struggles to find the right time to exchange his baht to yen in the market hit by the coronavirus crisis. He is currently on job search to break such dreadfulness.
Kouhei recommended typical Thai food "Yum Woon Wen".
緑豆春雨 / Chinese vermicelli (bean threads)
エビ / Shrimp
豚挽肉 / Pork mince
紫たまねぎ(普通のたまねぎでも) / Onion (purple onions prefered)
パクチー / Coriander leaves
ナンプラー / Nam pla (Thai fish sauce)
ライムの汁(レモンでも) / Lime juice (or lemon juice)
ヤシの砂糖(普通の砂糖でも) / Palm sugar (or white sugar)
赤唐辛子 / Crushed cayenne pepper
1、紫たまねぎを薄切りにします Peel and thinly slice the onion.
2、パクチーを適当に切ります Randomly chop coriander leaves.
3、赤唐辛子はつぶします Crush the cayenne pepper.
4、豚挽肉と赤唐辛子を炒めます Stir-fry pork mince along with crushed cayenne.
5、エビをゆでます Cook a bowl of shrimp in the boiling water.
6、春雨もゆでます Drop Chinese vermicelli into another pot of boiling water.
7、具も調味料も全部混ぜます Add sugar into the mixture of nam pla and lime juice and mix well.
The ideal ratio for the mixture is; nam pla, lime juice, sugar in 3:3:1.
9、いただきます。 Get your favourite plate and serve!