[ *English follows ]
レポートでは永岡さんにフォーカスしてご紹介してきましたが、今回は「ニュー浴場プロジェクト」として招聘したプログラムです。もう一人の松本 力さんは東京から出られない中、一体どんなプロジェクトを行なっていたのか。そして、夕張という一つの地域を巡り、二人のプロジェクトはどのように交差するのか。引き続きお知らせしていきたいと思います。どうかお楽しみに。
Footprints of the artist
コーディネーター 花田悠樹(さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ)
Yuuki Hanada, coordinator at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio
See the first report for Nagaoka's project here:
Daisuke Nagaoka of New Yokujo Project left his hometown Yamagata in December 2020, with his destination Yubari, Hokkaido, in his mind.
On March 7th, 2021, Nagaoka finally reached his primary destination and Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, after over 600 km of walk!
Now, let us turn the clock otherwise for a bit and trace the long and winding road he's been on.
After his arrival to Kamaishi, Iwate, Nagaoka stayed in his parent's house to celebrate the New Year's Holidays. The plan was to restart his walk from Kamaishi to Yubari after that. However, the emergency declaration was issued on January 7th subjecting areas around Tokyo. Tohoku was not the subject of the declaration, but just in case, he decided to see things in Yamagata until February 7th, which was the expiration date of the declaration.
While locked in his hometown, the artist decided to walk around the area, the very place he has never thought of exploring regarding it too familiar. It was his determination there to "give a deep thought about the meaning of travelling while walking, in the exact place I am at this moment".
"I opened the door high spirited, and now I don't know where I should be heading to".
A whole different sense he learned there from the one he'd had on the 1st of December, the first day of his walk. His spirit should've been as high as a kite, but he had no idea how to get to places. It was as if his body was left alone somewhere. Salmon he'd seen on his way had been wandering, failing to run against a stream, just like him at the moment.
The artist decided to climb up and descend mount Chitose, over and over again, everyday, from the door of his parent's home. On this mountain, known as the symbol for Yamagata citizens, you usually see avid climbers and those who walk for health. Nagaoka, with alternative motivation and different equipment, was a weirdo on the mountain who was curious to know how the hometown elevation could accept him. He was exploring in his thoughts what it is to climb a mountain, stared at by other climbers and given his new relationships with people there built as he climbs everyday.
"It might be that thanks to this kind of crack in a usual life, I came to feel that I was on the road to Yubari and could still examine my thoughts on traveling even when I was wandering around in Yamagata", he throws back the vivid sensation he had in his hometown.
(He received a postcard later from a young-aged artist with whom he acquainted while he walked around the Yamagata City.)
Monitoring the local COVID situation, the artist went back to Kamaishi on February 11th. From Kamaishi, he walked straight up to Hachinohe, Aomori, his goal in Honshu Island. Along the way, he guided himself off the pavement to walk on a road of Michinoku Shiokaze Trail.
Back when humans learned to walk on two feet, it was intelligence, or technology in another word, that they happened to have acquired in transition. The body enhanced by the technology eventually becomes less dependent to its physical, and from there, transition will be made to the mobility that’s more efficient. Maybe someday, humans will stop walking. On the artist’s mind -- holding two trekking poles in each of his hands, walking strong on the off pavement -- that was an idea for the possible future. Yubari was yet so far away, with or without the artist’s contradictory thinking between human-to-animal retrogression and scrutiny on travels.
Finally landed on Hokkaido, the road was still leading the artist to Yubari. On the road, I got to walk with him – it was blissfully our first ever meeting also -- just for one day. A long walk, totally unfamiliar to myself, worn me out and yet my legs were willing to step forward every minute. “Walking is giving a physical affirmation”. The artist’s words never sounded so true to my tired body.
Beyond the pass communicating Kuriyama town and Yubari city, he had the last tunnel to pass through. Past there, finally, was his destination Yubari.
“It was far away to Yubari”.
Nagaoka spent several days in the city, reunited with his friends there, giving life updates and talking all the way through about his journey. The answer to his question – the meaning of travelling – is unclear yet. But, throwing back, one thing is clear, and we must thank for that – for generous supports and cooperation of countless people we’ve met along the way.
This project was an attempt for Daisuke Nagaoka to complete his walk to Yubari, the place he had already visited so many times, but never on foot spending three full months. In the process, the physical sense of distance between the artist and Yubari, previously was flight-based, was entirely updated.
The AIR program “It’s Rather Difficult to Reach Places” was composed upon the essence of opposition to the ever-evolving motorization, as well as of the transition of the role of AIR that should be achieved by altering the inequality “travel < stay” to “travel > stay”. What came after, unexpectedly, was the novel coronavirus sweeping across the globe, that turned the program into a reflection of the time.
Nagaoka chose to walk, possibly the steadiest yet challenging way, when we asked him about the travelling method as we did to all the other invitees. The sense of continuous traveling this project gives us has also been the key perspective in another ongoing project of his, ‘The Sphere House’. It was the project for him to question in his everyday life continually travelling, how he exchanges with people and circulate his life, and how the mobility developed in the society prepositioned by the settled habitation could make a shift in such constantly moving life. The project was to prove something out of those questions.
Although this report focused on Nagaoka only, there is another invitee as we invited two people for “New Yokujo Project”, which Nagaoka plays only a half of. Chikara Matsumoto, while not being able to make it out Tokyo, has also been working on his own project. We are going to report further on Matsumoto’s project and the crossing paths of the two, both speculating about Yubari. Thank you and look for the updates. The records of Nagaoka’s project are available here (Random photos from the walk will be posted).
Footage of the artist
- Yuuki Hanada, coordinator at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio