ジャック・マクリーンによる太極拳入門/Taichi lecture for beginners by Jack Mclean
サルサダンスの熱気冷めやらぬ交流サロンで、ペインターのジャック・マクリーンさん(Jack Mclean、スコットランド出身、東京都在住)による太極拳の初心者向けレクチャーが行われました。
Nothing seemed to have bothered Jack Mclean, Scottish-born, Tokyo-based painter, from performing the art of calmness in the wake of Salsa dancing madness. Mclean’s Taichi lecture for beginners attracted a few but dedicated participants.
The lecture began with the practice of getting relaxed. Close your eyes, focus on the environmental sound… Finally,imagine your body following the gravity as if it’s right off the coat hanger. This method for upright standing also requires the discharge of your brain from any thoughts. “Don’t think about what you will have for dinner tonight,” Mclean writes on the résumé.
画業と並行して、これまで武術の実践にも取り組んできたジャックさん。約 30 年前、日本に住み始めたころは、空手道場で日々厳しい修業に励んだといいます。やがて加齢に伴い、極真空手とほぼ同じ動きを低速・低打撃で行う太極拳へと関心を移したそう。今では体調管理の助けとして、太極拳を毎朝の日課にしています。
The artist’s creative pursuit has been inseparable from his practice in martial arts. It’s been this Kyokushin Karate dojo, he remembers, where he’d learned about gentler styles of such arts back when he started his life in Japan. After 30 years, among those arts he’s finding a fascination in Taichi, composed of Kyokushin Karate moves but slowed down or softened. Now it’s part of his routine to practice a brief Taichi session every morning, Mclean says.
Mclean’s motivation for the lecture has been simple.“Despite more and more online videos on Taichi methods, it’s impossible for beginners to practice it by just watching them. You need a mentor for building a foundation.” It was an open opportunity for anyone interested in the gentle style of martial arts to get their hands on it as a practice.
その後 30 分以上かけて、中年からご高齢の方までを中心に、一連の動きをゆっくりおさらいしました。ジャックさんの動きと言葉を一生懸命なぞりながら、しかし各人のペースで体をほぐす参加者の皆さん。その姿からは、終始無言ながら(あるいは、だからこそ)、どこかのびのびとした雰囲気が感じられました。
Having reviewed the series of moves with the artist, participants, majority of whom were either middle-aged or older, seemed to have enjoyed the thirty minutes of refreshment. Their bodies were learning to get relaxed, while trying to recreate the moves and words of the artist. They were purposefully silent throughout the lecture. All of that expressed certain carefreeness in the air.
五十嵐 千夏(さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ コーディネーター)
Chinatsu Igarashi, Coordinator at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio