滞在アーティストの レイン・カニングハムさんによるオーストラリア民族に伝わる点描画のワークショップ
Aboriginal Dot Painting Workshop by the resident artist, Laine Cunningham
Dot paintings are unique and integral to Australian Aboriginal Art. The simple dot style has a far more hidden meaning and deeper purpose, to disguise the sacred meanings behind the stories in the paintings.
Laine is doing this aboriginal dot painting workshops in several places such as public schools, where these ground paintings using sunflower seeds, soybeans, rice, and red beans. The materials are left in place as a natural installation that returns to nature as birds and animals nibble at it, and as the material deteriorate.
When Aboriginal artists began using paint, they peeled tree bark for their canvas. For this occasion, we also picked up some materials found locally here in this Tenjinyama, such as bamboo leaves, maple leaves, white birch bark, chestnut bark and a feather of a crow.
あなたという物語を教えてください。というのが、この絵画ワークショップの主旨であり、それぞれのキャンバスに隠されたシンボルを読み解く道筋となります。レインさんは, 私たち個々が歩んできた道のりを伝える道具としての基本的なシンボルを紹介してくれました。
Tell us your story. – that is a main concept of this painting workshop through certain symbols that are hidden on each canvas. Laine showed us a list of primary symbols that we can use to tell our personal histories.
After this session, those paintings that we completed helped us to get to know each other, to have an idea of where you are coming from, even beyond the language gap, difference of age and background.
レイン・カニングハム(Laine Cunningham)さんは、アメリカのノースカロライナ州出身の才能豊かな作家であり、彼女の小説には、様々な「生存者」の生き方、目を背けがちな生き方や立ち上がった生き方等を綴った現代的な物語で溢れております。
Laine Cunningham is a fascinating writer, from North Carolina, the United States. Her fiction draws on contemporary events to explore the lives of survivors, those who turn away, and those who take action.
Sunspot Literary Journal: www.SunspotLit.com
Business website: www.WritersResource.us
Coordinated by Mayuko Ogawa. (記:小川真由子)