日曜日の撮影会では天神山に滞在中のアーティストにインタビューを行ったMarina、日本の法制度や犯罪心理に関してより専門性の高いものを取材したいということで、この日は弁護士でSalon Cojicaのオーナーである川上大雅さんにお越しいただきました。
At last Sunday, Marina held an interview event and she took artists in Tenjin. So she needs some higher specialties for interviewee like Japanese legal system or criminal psychology, this day we invited Taiga Kawakami. He is not only a lawyer, but also owner of the art gallery Salon Cojica.
At first they had a lunch at cafe Brondy in foot of Tenjin. Though they smiled for camera, they were talking about very serious themes such like the way of thinking of death penalty, a murder case that he carried, relation between doctor opinion and court and so on.
Taking interview in Tenjin. After 3 hours meeting he said "I had to consider a lot, but it was good opportunity to look back things that I can't consider enough in daily work.
Meanwhile, Marina in camera work looks serious not as usual. She said like "I was not like this before. But I has been spending all of me to make film. For being as a film director, I was changing even my personality. That's life right? "