5月15日(日)のアート&ブレックファストデイでは、展示を同時開催中のアーティストHeinzによるアーティストトークと、「漂流者」(梅村和史 斉藤秀規 堀内まゆみ)によるダンスパフォーマンスが行われました。
On 5/15 (Sun) in the event "Art & Breakfast Day", an artist talk was held by the artist Heinz who was holding an exhibition at same time and also was held a dance performance by the party "Hyoryusya" (means like vagabond, by Kazushi Umemura, Hidenori Saitoh, Mayumi Horiuchi ) .
Heinz introduced his past works on screen from his original pieces to cooperation light works in theatre.
また、開催中の展示"A showroom Heinz Kasper. Fragments of the past, present, future"を解説しました。
And he also explained works in running exhibition "A showroom Heinz Kasper. Fragments of the past, present, future".
イベントも豪華に、満腹のアート&ブレックファスト デイとなりました。
A dance performance by 漂流者 as a promotion for the next their event 「精神放浪癖」 (means like Mental Wanderlust).
We had full breakfast Day with lots of events.