2 Artists came from France. It's first time to come to Japan.
こちらイザベル・デブノンさん。 This is Isabelle Thevenon.
She used the pine needles for her works in France.
She made some little sculptures and hold her exhibition in Tenjinyama.
こちらがマルク・ベルナルさん。And This is Marc Beirnaert.
He has the picture of the Cat 《Sharabia》 on his hand.
He carries out the activity called 《Sharabia Project》.He is distributing this picture to the people he met and the place he visited. For this project he brought 60 canvases to Japan. And of course he gave it for Tenjinyama.
イザベル・デヴノン ビジュアルアーティスト
インテリアデザイナー(1976年/パリ)、エスノエステティックドクター(1986年/パリ)、Capc現代美術博物館/arc en reve 建築センター(1999年~2007年/ボルドー)
Isabelle Thevenon Visual Artist
Interior designer, Ensaama Paris 1976. Doctor in Ethno Esthetic, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne 1986.Professor commissioned with the Capc Bordeaux, museum of contemporary art and arc en rêve architecture center in Bordeaux 1999/2007
マルク・ベルナル アーティスト/作家
Marc Beirnaert Painter and Writer
Born in France in 1949. He is Graduate of the ENSAAMA school in 1976, Roubaix France. He currently lives and works in the south of France. He works on a global long term project, introducing his iconic cat Charabia. « Mademoiselle âge d'or » is his last book from 2016. Since 2014, he has been represented by the Gallery Alain tandille, Vertheuil, France.
CAPS(Centre of Contemporary Visual Arts) http://www.capc-bordeaux.fr/
arc en rêve 建築センター http://www.arcenreve.com/