
滞在者紹介 =Tom Blake=

20171021 Tom_re


1/26まで滞在中です。1/22~1/25まで天神山で滞在成果の展示「seeing 眼 in the stream/ストリームの中で私を見ること」を行います。最終日の1/25は19:00よりクロージングパーティとアーティストトークを開きますので、ぜひお越し下さい。


Tom is an Austrian artist working across sculpture, installation, printmaking, performance and video. He utilises fragmental moments and certain symbols to focus psychological frameworks and technological networks that surround us.

He stays here until 1/26. From 1/22 to 1/25 he will share his activity result as an exhibition "seeing 眼 in the stream/ストリームの中で私を見ること". On 1/25 from 19:00 we are going to have a closing night (party and talk) .

His portfolio site is here http://www.tom-blake.com/


20170121 Tom2_re