新年明けてのArt & Breakfast Day。雪と冷えのせいか、こじんまりとしつつも常連の皆さんが集まってくれました。まさに始まろうとする冬の国際公募プログラムの案内が小田井ディレクターより、また、昨日到着したばかりのオーストラリアのアーティストTom Blakeから活動の紹介がありました。
The first Art & Breakfast Day in this year. Since lots of snow and cold weather there were less people than usual and yet most regular people came today. Upcoming international winter program was introduced by director Mami. And also an Australian artist Tom Blake who just arrived yesterday introduced his activities.
Everybody, thank you for joining and bringing one dish every time. The rest 11 times Art & Breakfast days will be held in this year. We are looking forward your joining. Thank you.