7年にわたってアイヌの人々を追ってきたフォトグラファーLauraが、進行中のプロジェクト"Ainu Nenoan Ainu"(人間らしい人間)を紹介するイベントを開きました。
後半は写真シリーズを包含する映像ドキュメンタリーの抜粋を紹介。これはLunch Bee Houseという、3人のクリエイターから構成されるグループのプロジェクトですが、「私たちは"Punk band in film making"って呼んでいるの」とのこと。曰く「私たち3人ともドキュメンタリー映像なんて作ったことないんだけど、もういきなりオンステージしちゃっているから」というのがその由来だそうです。
Laura, who has been focusing on Ainu people for seven years, held an event.
She introduced her current progressing project “Ainu Nenoan Ainu”. The first half of her presentation was about portrait photography of the Ainu people. She will have a print exhibition of her work, and later she will work on a hand-made photobook. Her research on Ainu explored various documents, including Meiji period photography from Hokkaido public archives, ethnographic books including maps and drawings. and private family photo album. Her photobook will include her original photography, text sourced from interviews, and archive materials.
At the presentation we saw a little book which she called “Dummy book”. Fellow resident Justine asked “This is a sort of prototype, right?”. But she replied “Even not a prototype. Still egg of egg”.
The second half of her presentation featured excerpts from a collaborative documentary film by collective “Lunch Bee House” formed by three co-creators (Laura Liverani, Neo Sora, Valy Thorsteindottir). The content of the film tells the stories of some the same people in the portrait series, specifically in Nibutani. She informed that they call themselves “Punk band in film making”. “Because we’ve never done film making before, but we’re on stage to play.” she said.
Her friends came from everywhere in Hokkaido. Then they had relaxed afternoon tea as a small after party.