朝食イベントで恒例となったアーティストトーク。今回はオーストラリア、シドニーの詩人、小説家、Tim Sinclairが活動紹介を行いました。ハイライトの動画をYouTubeにアップしましたので、こちらのリンクからご覧ください(日本語通訳付)https://youtu.be/M-D7ts4FyeM
処女作となった「Nine Hours North」より一貫して「アウトサイダー」をテーマに執筆を続けているというTim。小説「Run」でパルクール(都市の構造物をアクロバテイックに駆けるストリートカルチャー)をフィーチャーした際に用いたデザイナーとの共同制作や、現在執筆中の長編3部作のテーマについてなどをプレゼンテーションしました。
過去作品3冊を天神山に寄贈してくれたTim。Nine Hours Northは絶版で入手不可能ですが、Amazonのe-books(電子版、英語のみ)などで買えるものもあります。ご興味ある方は、こちらのリンクをご覧ください。
Artist talk for this month was by poet and novelist Tim Sinclair from Sydney, Australia. Its highlight video clip is uploaded on YouTube. https://youtu.be/M-D7ts4FyeM
From his first novel “Nine Hours North” he has been focusing on the theme of “The Outsider”. First he presented his past works. One, his novel “Run” featuring parkour, was a collaboration with designers to describe their action in words. Then he presented his current work.
“I must write 2000 words every day as work quota”. He works hard to complete a trilogy of the post apocalyptic world. He said “In the 80’s when I was a kid, there were threats of nuclear war. Everybody was talking about the end of the world and after the end of the world.”
Finally he took the question to the audience about the outsider in Japanese novels, art and film. Then the audience named Takuboku Ishikawa, a great composer of Hokkaido, Akira Ifukube, and main characters written by Haruki Murakami.
He contributed three of his past books to Tenjin. Nine Hours North has sold out, but you can buy the others from Amazon e-book. Here are links to those.