紹介者:松田朕佳(アーティスト)/Chika Matsuda (Artist)
料理名:スイカ・ラベンダージュース(カナダ)/ Watermelon-lavender Drink
Since 2018, two winters in a row, Chika Matsuda has worked vigorously at and with our facility. While having joined with artists invited to our international open call as an interpreting coordinator, she also has conducted her project as an artist at an elementary school in Sapporo, taking part in Otodoke Art program. Astounding and definitely one of the coolest so far is this recipe she’s shared with us. Let’s take a look!
Cut watermelon into cubes and let freeze.
Prepare a blender and purée the mixture of frozen watermelon, lemon juice, with a pinch of lavender seeds.
Be cautious of the amount of lavender buds! Better not to drop more than a few fragment, otherwise it may taste like a kind of artificial fragrance! Three to five buds per a 200 ml of entity will be sufficient.
She had a sip on this beverage in Montreal and still recall the taste. Please try if you have many watermelons !!
It’s me, the one with the sauna hat. This photograph captured a moment of me painting a salamander, a symbol from Zoroastrianism, firing smokes. Decorating around the sauna door is the backbone of a whale. We chose this underwater creature for a part of this magical ritual realized in hope of prevention of accidental fire.
I also learned a little something- a method to hold smokes without a chimney. First you burn your charcoals and hold smokes derived from the burning process. Once the charcoals are fully lit from the core, open the door to release all the smokes. Temperature should be reaching around 100℃. Once air gets clear and fresh, you can enjoy sauna bathing in there next 2 to 3 hours, with occasional water pouring onto a sauna stone. Don’t forget to smoke random groceries while holding all the smokes so that you can have them on dishes before bathing!
★天神山ワールドレシピとは / Tenjinyama World Recipes
For all those who have been engaging in home cooking, whether or not willingly or enthusiastically-
here’s your virtual recipe collection presented by Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio,
with some of the most beautiful recipes from artists all around the globe.
Let’s dive into the collection to invite the exciting world of multicultural dishes onto your dining table!