
s(k)now diary #2 アイヌ民族博物館 Ainu museum

20170126 Shiraoi1_re

20170126 Shiraoi5_re
20170126 Shiraoi3_re

20170126 Shiraoi4_re 20170126 Shiraoi6_re

コロンビアからのWilliam Andres Narvaez Cedeñoが到着して、国際公募招聘アーティスト3人が揃って初めてのプログラム。白老にあるアイヌ民族博物館を訪れました。その他、S-AIR Exchange Programme 2016 冬期招聘アーティスト、ヨンチアのパートナーでキュレーターのミンワ、滞在作家の三角みづ紀さん、さらにマレウレウのマユンキキ(マユンさん)も加わって、スタッフ含めて総勢10人の大所帯となりました!









After a Colombian artist William Andres Narvaez Cedeño just arrived Tenjin finally. This is first program with invited artists all together. We visited AINU MUSEUM in Shiraoi. Invited artists, curator Ming Wah who is Yoong Chia's partner, a resident Mizuki Misumi, and a member of Marewrew Mayun a.k.a Mayunkiki joined us. Include staff, the party was 10 members!

Marewrew is a vocal group. Their theme of activity is regeneration and tradition of traditional songs of Ainu "Upopo". Mayun is also a teacher of Ainu language. It's very lucky for us to be introduced around Ainu Museum by Mayun san who is a memory keeper of Ainu culture. Thank you Mayun!

In Tenjinyama there is not a few artist who intend to do research about Ainu culture. Invited three artists for this winter project are also interested in it from their each interests and were asking various questions. According to William, there are much many 80 languages in Colombia and there is a tribe which has a particular language near his home town Cali. But now is a crisis to those oral traditions. They are about disappearing. Since his interest how those oral traditions will keep surviving, he might be interesting in especially folklores of Ainu.

Fukunaga who does research about Onomatopoeia was asking Mayun various onomatopoeia in Ainu language. We all were impressed that one onomatopoeia "Oroperere" word means hunted bear's last screaming. He looks like the visual artist while he was asking meanings and distinctions of artifacts of Ainu.

However primitive they were, Mayun answered kindly to every questions from artists who experience Ainu culture for the first time. So she was providing detailed information with us, we all could spend very meaningful time.

Japan, Sapporo, snow, winter, subarctic. Meeting with different culture, getting inspirations, each artist's research is starting.

Translation: taiga