A presentation by a resident Tateyama san who has been making toy products for 45 years.
A weekly meeting just started from today. It was proposed by an artist Tim who was staying until last week.
Boat, Yuya san, Danbara san, Dide, Tobias, Paul and Tateyama san joined this first time meeting. So Danbara san and Dide and Paul are writer and Tim was also writer, this month is like a writer month of Tenjin.
I cooked one dish as usual. Today's menu was "Pasta a la Japonese" with shiitake mushroom and tuna. So shiitake mushrooms were from foot of Munich Bridge(the bridge close to here), it became a super local recipe.
After introducing for each other, Tateyama san introduced his past and current works with idea sketches and Tobias was asking Boat's previous work in Tenjin. This meeting had good contents.