おかげさまで夏から空室の少ない天神山。Edwonも部屋をとれず、4日間は友人(スタッフ)宅やゲストハウスを点々としていました。彼が宿泊したゲストハウスTen to Tenの経営に携わる山崎さんはシェアハウスWAGAYAのオーナー。アテンド中のスタッフtaigaがWAGAYAで半年お世話になっていたこともあり、近況を色々お話ししましたが、夏にオープンしたばかりのTen to Tenも含め、WAGAYAでは部屋をアーティスティックに変えてくれる人を探しているとのこと。我こそはという方、ご連絡をお待ちしております。
Thank you for coming, customers. Tenjin's rooms were almost full from Summer. Also Edwon was not able to get a room, then he went friend's room and a guest house. At the guest house he met Yamazaki san who is owner of share house company WAGAYA and is also managing that guest house Ten to Ten. So staff taiga was living at WAGAYA before actually, we were talking recent our work. Then he said that "Include newest guest house Ten to Ten, WAGAYA is looking for artists who can arrange their rooms artistic. Do you know anybody can make it?" We hope somebody can help them. Call us anytime.