
てんじん日記 〜Lauraさんの豆知識〜




オフィス横に生い茂ったバジル。天神山の夏を彩ってくれましたが、秋分も過ぎたこの頃、さすがに元気が無くなってきました。そこで先日のArt & Breakfast Day in 天神ではバジルをボールいっぱいに摘んでジェノベーゼ(バジルソース)のパスタを天神山からの一品としてお出ししました。本場イタリアのアーティストLauraの参加に気がつかず、うっかりスパゲテッティなどこしらえたのは不覚でしたが、おかげで「ジェノベーゼはね、ちょっと秘密の技があって、麺と一緒にジャガイモを茹でて混ぜると良いのよ。それからちょっと緑豆を入れても美味しいわ」と、秘伝のレシピを教えてもらいました。言われるままにやってはみましたが、果たしてこれでいいのかどうか。



A lot of basil in the tiny farm of Tenjin. They were really growing up. But Summer is gone, then it looks not fine recently. Therefore I have picked them up as much as full of bowl, and made Pasta Genovese (Basil source) for previous Art & Breakfast day in Tenjin. I could've made pasta, for I didn't notice that a REAL Italian artist Laura was in the event. I realised that I must've blundered. But Laura jus told me secret recipe "There are some tricks to make Genovese in Italy. Put cut Potatoes into the boiling water with pasta. And with little green beens is pretty good also." I just did it as she said. But still I don't know if it really succeed. 

Let me aside how the taste was. I just was going to tell you that so many informations from over the world, from beans to academic, come together in Tenjin.
