今月末にも天神山へ来られる原口さん。ご自身のサイトに開催情報の詳細が載っています。http://hinakoharaguchi.com 前回の滞在の様子はこちらです。
I usually take artists to Rokkatei cafes, so we can have Hokkaido products and can enjoy splendid architecture. This time was for seeing an exhibition of Hinako Haraguchi who was staying Tenjin in May.
In calm lights, on hard grass you can see lines that were drawn sharply. It feels just like "This is her". And also from close view, they seem gorgeous. I felt they were drawn by no hesitating and much speed.
She is going to come to Tenjin again end of this month. Exhibition informations is in her website. http://hinakoharaguchi.com A post of previous stay is here.