台湾で大きな波紋を呼んだこの事件。加害者の青年が映画「バトル ロワイヤル」の原作小説に影響を受けていたことを供述しており、Marinaは日本でのロケを敢行する理由として挙げています。
ある日の彼女の言葉です。 「アートが犯罪に対して有効であるということや、この社会をいかに良くしているかを証明すること。それはとても難しいことだけど、このドキュメンタリーを通じてそれに挑戦しているのよ」
An report of the event by documentary filmmaker Marina. This event had two parts, screening of her processing work and interview.
Following an indiscriminate murder in Taiwan few years ago, Marina has been focusing crimes of young generation and what the art can work to them. So far she has took interviews in Portugal, London and Kyushu in Japan then she was going to hold this screening & interview event at Tenjin. In screening we saw the interviews that have been took in those places. The participants could hear that opinions of Portugal musicians that how they act to the society and their way of thinking, and that opinions of boys in London or slam in Portugal for this case.
This murder case brought about big problem in Taiwan. Marina mentions that the young murderer revealed that he was influenced from a Japanese novel "Battle Royal" as a reason why she choses Japan to film. This novel is known more as its cinema. After about 30 minutes screening, Marina took interview. Lots of various opinions might be took into her camera.
One day she said. "To prove that the art is available to crime or how it makes the society well. It is very difficult, but I am challenging through making this documentary film"