稲崎 京子「稚内の草花の絵とことば。」
Kyoko Inazaki "Pictures of flowering plants of Wakkanai and words"
7/1(Sat)~7/2(Sun) 10:00~17:00
-Chattering tea time about Wakkanai-
7/2(Sat) 12:00~14:00
Little free drinks and light meal. No reservation, no fee to participate.
"I have been making pictures and poems in my free time since age of high school. I had opportunities to express my poems on local magazine though, my pictures or poems which described flowering plants around myself were only for close acquaintances or friends. On the other hand, in Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, the exhibition must be to "others" for the first time in my life. I am going to exhibit a lot of works that I made so far."