
滞在者紹介 =Heinz Kasper=

5月26日まで、オーストリア出身ベルリン在住のアーティストHeintz Kasperが滞在中です。





"A show room Heinz Kasper. Fragments of the past, present, future"

•アーティスト:Heinz Kasper

•5/15, 5/17   9:00~21:00


•アーティストトーク 5/15 11:00~(アート&ブレックファストデイ内)


Until May 26th, an artist Heintz Kasper staying Tenjin. He lives in Berlin and originally from Austria.

His speciality is just "color". He creating his arts by painting, light, projection mapping and so on. And he also does works in theatre apparently. "Color is the children of light" he told his creation as this. His portfolio site is here.

He has been marking efforts to create works since he arrived Sapporo. He is going to hold an exhibition "A show room Heinz Casper. Fragments of the past, present, future" at exhibition space on 5/15, 5/17 two days. Installation, animation, painting, lighting, some kinds of techniques and materials will be used in his plan. And in the event Art & Breakfast Day on 5/15, from 11:00 he is going to hold an artist talk.
